My digital bookshelf
I love books and reading, always have. There are so many incredible reads, from fiction to non-fiction to collections of essays.
Here are a few of my favourites arranged by general topics:
Paticipatieve kunst - Sandra Trienekens
Participation is risky; approches to joint creative processes - Liesbeth Huybrechts
Wat is community art? - Arie Altena
Art as therapy -Alain de Botton, John Armstrong
Ways of seeing - John Berger
Humanity - Ai Wei Wei
Ai Wei Wei speaks: with Hans Ulrich Obrist - Hans Ulrich Obrist
Ai Wei Wei, een dissident in hedendaags China - Barnaby Martin
Circular design for fashion - Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Design after capitalism - Matthew Wizinsky
The anticapitalist book of fashion - Tansy E. Hoskins
The end of fashion - Adam Geczy & Vicki Karaminas
Collaborate or die - James Veenhoff
Design for social innovation; case studies from around the world - Mariana Amatullo, Bryan Boyer, Jennifer May,Andrew Shea
Cradle to cradle - Michael Braungart
Change by design - Tim Brown
Sustainable Fashion and Textiles - Kate Fletcher
Maak Kracht - Tabo Goudswaard & Jetske van Oosten
Economics & Politics
Freakonomics - Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner
Capitalist realism; is there no alternative? - Mark Fisher
The value of everything - Mariana Mazzucato
The origins of capitalism - Ellen Meiskins Wood
Practical anarchism: a guide for everyday life - Scott Branson
Utopia for realists - Rutger Bregman
Envisioning real utopias - Erik Olin Wright
Eis het onmogelijke - Slavoj Zizek
The KLF; chaos, magic and the band who burned a million pounds - John Higgs
On anarchism - Noam Chomsky
Antifa - Mark Bray
What money can’t buy - Michael J. Sandel
23 things they don’t tell you about capitalism - Ha Joon Chang
This changes everything - Naomi Klein
Weapons of math destruction - Cathy O’neil
Justice - Michael J. Sandel
No is not enough - Naomi Klein
No logo - Naomi Klein
Pollution is Colonialism - Max Liboiron
Machtspolitiek - Elementaire Deeltjes
Geopolitiek - Elementaire Deeltjes
Globalisering - Elementaire Deeltjes
The age of surveillance capitalism - Shoshanna Zuboff
Less is More - Jason Hickel
Doughnut Economics - Kate Raworth
Psychology/Social Science
Thinking, fast & slow - Daniel Kahneman
Boundary boss - Terri Cole
All about love - bell hooks
The art of living - Thich Nhat Hanh
Attached - Amir Levine & Rachel Heller
Dare to lead - Brene Brown
The gifts of imperfection - Brene Brown
Daring greatly - Brene Brown
Atlas of the heart - Brene Brown
Belonging - bell hooks
The will to change - bell hooks
Between us: how cultures create emotions - Batja Mesquita
Don’t you know who I am? - Ramani S. Durvasula
Quiet - Susan Cain
The book of joy - Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu
Brief answers to big questions - Stephen Hawking
The culture map - Erin Meyer
Start with why - Simon Sinek
De vluchtelingen republiek - David de Boer en Geert Janssen
Roofstaat - Ewald Vanvugt
De meeste mensen deugen - Rutger Bregman
Het begin van alles - David Graeber & David Wengrow
Once upon a time in the east - Xiaolu Guo
Shanghai Skyline - Carolijn Visser
Duizend dagen in China - Bettine Vriesekoop
Alles onder controle - Eva Rammeloo
A promised land - Barack Obama
Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari
Homo Deus - Yuval Noah Harari
Fascism a warning - Madeleine Albright
An essay on typography - Eric Gill
De genocide fax - Roxane van Iperen
Eigen welzijn eerst - Roxane van Iperen
Mijn ontelbare identiteiten - Sinan Çankaya
Feel free - Zadie Smith
Changing my mind - Zadie Smith
We should all be feminists - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Dear Iljeawele - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
De wereld in jezelf - Nina Polak
The second sex - Simone de Beauvoir
Hoe doen we het? - Milou Deelen
Hood feminism; notes from the women a movement forgot - Mikki Kendall
Invisible women - Caroline Criado Perez
Why women have better sex under socialism - Kirsten Ghodsee
How to be an antiracist - Ibram X. Kendi
How to be black - Baratunde Thurston
Why I’m no longer talking to white people about race - Reni Eddo-Lodge
White fragility - Robin Diangelo
Dune - Frank Herbert
Spijkerschrift - Kader Abdolah
Het huis van de moskee - Kader Abdolah
Salam Europa! - Kader Abdolah
Nineteen Eighty-four - George Orwell
Een halve gele zon - Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Wild Swans - Jung Chang